Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey Everyone!

If you're wondering what the name "Living OutNumbered" means just think about it............. I'm married to a FEMALE, have two children that are both FEMALES, and even the dogs are FEMALES!!!! The best part about Angela getting married to Riley is............. he's MALE!!!! OK so he also makes her really happy but........

Actually I'm the luckiest guy alive! I married WAAAAY above me to the most amazing woman on the planet! Then we made two TERRIFIC daughters that are WAY better than any boy on the planet! The dogs......... well.

I'm finally joining these amazing women in the world of blogging. Doubt it will be as brilliantly put together as theirs but hey........... I'm OLD!!! Takes the OLD GUY a little while to get going!

So I guess I'll click on Publish Post and be an "Official Blogger". Then I'd better email my Dad and Mom and tell them how to get to it so that SOMEBODY reads it!!!


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