Monday, November 24, 2008


I have two amazing daughters! But who knew that Nieces could be so much fun?

I have three nieces. Two from my wife's sister and one from my brother.

My Arizona niece has graduated from college, has a great job, a great car, and is AMAZING at Fantasy Football. She has kicked quite a number of guy's butts in FF. In fact, it's a good bet that she'll either WIN your FF League or be right at the top.

And my two California/Colorado/Oklahoma nieces are just as amazing! They are way smarter than me but seem to put up with their OLD Uncle. Amazing how it makes an old person feel when you pay attention to them and don't act like the big baggy belly (bbb) you have is weird. not to mention the incredibly thick glasses.

Nieces are just cool. They text with me (laughing at my complete sentences I'm sure), give Mr. bbb a hug when they see me, and even talk with me about life once in awhile. How did I ever get so lucky??

So...........GOD has blessed me with a whole bunch of fun females called Nieces that are pretty cool to be around!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Laundry is a funny thing!

You wear clothes for a few days then you have NOTHING to wear. Didn't we just do laundry day before yesterday? Actually, I used to do laundry quite often but for some reason I haven't been doing it. Figured it was about my turn for a change so I went into the closet and started sorting. How can we have three loads of coloreds, one of red/pink/ORANGE (GO OSU!!!) and some white socks but no khaki? I ALWAYS have khaki!!! Oh yea, I work at LIFEFREAKINGCHURCH!!! I need more jeans and DEFINITELY some Long Sleeve Casual clothes to wear to WORK! NO need for khaki or any other color of slacks and dress shirts. Would wear my OSU sweatshirt but I work in an office full of females that are cold all the time so it's too warm inside. What else is there for winter time to wear? Gonna have to do some consulting and find out. Any ideas out there???

Monday, November 10, 2008

Price of Gasoline

OK.........I'm confused!

When was it....a year ago? We were paying $4.00/Gallon here in OKC. I just filled up tonight at $1.80!!! Now if I'm not mistaken, the liquid that went into my gas tank was the SAME STUFF as I put in there a year ago. Why was it worth over twice as much as it is today?

I know, I know, it's supply and demand. I demand it and you supply it. Now that the economy supposedly stinks fewer people around the world can afford it so the price comes down. Basic economics. But what made the price go up so fast? Was THAT MUCH MORE gas really being used?

For some reason I feel that we were "PLAYED" by the "Markets". The "Market Players" weren't making enough in anything else and they had played the dollar down to the point where it wasn't worth that much and they realized that............. we buy food for our tables with dollars and I'm REALLY tired of paying so much to go to Europe so let's get the greenback up where it should be. To do that they had to put those billions someplace so they chose of all things....... OIL! So they got the dollar back up but drove the price of oil out of this world. Now they can't afford to fly to Europe because fuel is too high. PLUS to top it off their food prices skyrocketed!

Now what can they do??? Drive us into recession is the best answer. So now we have cheap fuel again and maybe food prices will come back down. The only problem for THEM is that they are now UNEMPLOYED!!!!

GO FIGURE.................

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Big 12 Conference

FOOTBALL.......what a great word! This is my FAVORITE time of year for sports. Baseball is over, Basketball is getting started and FOOTBALL is in the "Important" part of the season. The automatic win games are over and the GOOD GUYS are finally playing each other! Who cares to watch OSU or OU beat the School for the Blind, Lame, Sisters of the Poor and Computer Geeks? When the other team fights for a half to get a first down then they shouldn't be playing.

Now lets get to the HEART of the matter. How did the Big 12 South get SO MUCH BETTER than the Big 12 North? Look at Missouri, who is supposed to be the POWER of the North. In their 3 games against the south they LOST to OSU and Texas, and beat lowly Baylor with a last minute field goal. Then there is Kansas who is supposed to be a close second to Missouri. In their 3 games against the South they LOST to OU and Tech and will surely lose to Texas. That is 1 for 6 for the best two teams in the north! Nebraska went 1 - 2. Colorado is 0 - 2 and will lose to OSU. K-State went 1 - 2. And Iowa State 0 - 3. That is 3 wins and FIFTEEN LOSSES for the North. It's obvious that OSU, OU, Texas and Tech are far and away the best teams in the Big 12, with Baylor challenging for the fifth or sixth best team.

So what do we take out of this? One of the best states in the country for high school football is Texas, where most all of the Oklahoma and Texas schools players are from. Until the North gets some better athletes, nothing will change. Most of MU's best players will be gone after this year so get used to losing North!!! Bo Pelini will get Nebraska back on the right track as they seem to be able to recruit decent athletes and he's a good coach. Other than that..........Nothing!

So the big question for next year is................ will Baylor and Texas A&M be better than the whole north next year? Because the BIG FOUR won't be going down any time soon!


Saturday, November 1, 2008


So when did we Americans start thinking that we are "Entitled" to so many things?

* We "DESERVE" a house that is bigger than what we need or can afford.

* We "DESERVE" a car for everyone in the house, even if gas is $4.00 a gallon AND the car should be fairly new.

* We "DESERVE" to have a job that pays a lot and with big benefits even though our skills aren't needed in the marketplace or our jobs have been moved overseas.

* We "DESERVE" a big vacation even if we can't afford it. Don't worry, just whip out the plastic and pay for it later. can't pay the credit card payment.........just get another one and use it to make the payment for the other one. WOW is that vacation getting expensive at %20 interest!

Don't LIKE any of the available jobs? Don't worry! Just let the government pay for your food, your housing, your transportation, your medical bills, your kids education, etc. AND don't forget to complain that you can't use those food stamps for your beer and cigarettes!!

And if all else fails file for bankruptcy. Then you can go get started again!

I'm not sure why we live in a small little old house with no new cars, work hard on paying college bills and are 2 years into a 4 1/2 year debt payoff. Not really the NEW American way!!!

Now that the banking and financial system makes some REALLY STUPID decisions to make a "little more profit' they are falling apart. NO WORRY! Can't let people lose those houses they can't afford and go live someplace they can, just BAIL THEM OUT!!! This is NOT the way the government was set up! It was not the "Safety Valve" in the old days like it is now. We're "LOANING" the financial sector enough money to build a Habitat For Humanity home for every homeless person and Mortgage Challenged person in the COUNTRY!!! I use the term "LOAN" VERY loosely!!!

So how did we get into this mess? Lots of reasons. First and foremost we've had politicians that won't say NO! TOUGH LUCK!! YOU'VE MADE SOME STUPID DECISIONS!!! Live with them!!! Then they can't say GO GET A JOB!!! NO you aren't going to make $40/hr including benefits putting on a bumper any more, you've priced yourself out of the market! Yes it's ridiculous that somebody that can't write a complete sentence should get paid millions to play a GAME! BUT that's supply and demand. If you don't like it don't pay to go to the games. I don't go because I CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!

So let's wake up America and quit buying things we don't need. Pay off your debt even if it takes YEARS to do. I'm SO looking forward to June of 2011 when the college bills are done AND the credit cards are COMPLETELY paid off! I'd LOVE to go on a nice vacation with Cari but we "can't afford it" so we "don't do it". In 2011 we will and we'll PAY CASH for it!!! Not fun for NOW but the reward will be GRAND!!!

SO..........while you're voting Tuesday think about who will be able to say NO when it isn't popular but will be good for AMERICA! I'm not just talking about the president, it includes everybody you vote for! Our Government should be much SMALLER, not BIGGER!!!

If anyone actually made it this far I congratulate you. And I also hope you have some FUUUUN today!!!



Hey Everyone!

If you're wondering what the name "Living OutNumbered" means just think about it............. I'm married to a FEMALE, have two children that are both FEMALES, and even the dogs are FEMALES!!!! The best part about Angela getting married to Riley is............. he's MALE!!!! OK so he also makes her really happy but........

Actually I'm the luckiest guy alive! I married WAAAAY above me to the most amazing woman on the planet! Then we made two TERRIFIC daughters that are WAY better than any boy on the planet! The dogs......... well.

I'm finally joining these amazing women in the world of blogging. Doubt it will be as brilliantly put together as theirs but hey........... I'm OLD!!! Takes the OLD GUY a little while to get going!

So I guess I'll click on Publish Post and be an "Official Blogger". Then I'd better email my Dad and Mom and tell them how to get to it so that SOMEBODY reads it!!!