Monday, December 1, 2008


I never realized how hard English was until I lived in Bulgaria and started learning Bulgarian. Bulgarian uses the Cyrilic (there's the FIRST english mispelled word) alphabet. Each letter has only ONE sound and there are no silent or double letters. Therefore, as soon as you learn what sound each letter makes you can read in Bulgarian. You may not know the word at all but at least you can say it correctly or spell it if told to write it down.

THEN there is English. How does ANYBODY learn it? There are all kinds of silent letters as in through, borough or bought. There are double letters like winner, blogger and follow. How about words where the FIRST LETTER is silent like honor or herb. Why doesn't hippo have a silent h? Look at the size of that ippo over there! Try the words with the same sound but different meanings like blue/blew/I'm feeling bl--. Why does it all have to be so hard? When most adults have to go to Microsoft Word to try spelling a word with spell check, it's too hard!!! Or is it two hard? Or to hard?

I can't believe ANYBODY would ever take credit for the english language. In Bulgaria they say that it was Ciril and Metodias that developed the language. I'm guessing it must have been Dick and Tommy Smothers (sorry youngens, ask your mom who they are) that came up with English. I know I wouldn't want to take credit for it! And then there are those that go to college and MAJOR in English!!! They're either REALLY smart or related to Bozo the Clown to do that! I can't imagine it taking anything less than about 10 years to "Major" in English.

So now that you brilliant English majors have disected my blog and found numerous spelling and grammatical errors, get a life and go have some FUN!!! Or at least a job............ GOOD LUCK!


Extreme Educators said...

Wow, what brought on that deluge of bitterness? Do you think kids in Bulgaria have to take spelling tests? Oh crap, I am supposed to have a spelling be winner for my class by next week and haven't even started. Anyway, I just thought I would throw in a few words of my own: pteradactyl , pneumonia, gnat, gnarly, vacuum.

Shari said...

I was an English/Ed major in college because I loved reading and language and wanted to pass on the passion. What really happened is that I got beat down by reading too much stuff I didn't like and writing too many critical essays that I didn't care about! Ugh. I've recovered.